Mary Kay has built a billion dollar empire focused around making every leadership decision based on one question, “If I were this person, how would I want to be treated?” Using the Golden Rule as the company’s mantra keeps management focused on the core direction for every decision regarding customers, sales associates, administrative people, and vendors.

The Golden rule is the cornerstone of the company’s culture effecting every action and decision. In the book, The Mary Kay Way by Mary Kay Ash, it cites the following attitude that prevails at the top of the corporate hierarchy: “God didn’t have time to make a nobody; we all have the capacity for greatness.” When it comes to woman sales associates and female customers they practice the thinking, “what can we do to make these women feel better about themselves? How can we help them have a better self-image?” The company practices the belief, “when everybody is motivated to serve others, everybody benefits.”

The following is a quote by Angie Stoker, a Mary Kay sales associates: “I’ve found when you apply the Golden Rule to your business associates you cannot help but build them up. Isn’t that what you would expect if the world treated you the way you prefer? I love that I can build people  and help them achieve their dreams. Their successes then inspire more people.”

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